Sunday, July 18, 2010

#37 - Coming On To The Void

Remember this guy?

Well, despite that rather massive flounce, he keeps messaging your favorite snob. I'm not sure if he just mass-messages all the women fitting a certain set of criteria, or if he's poking the bear, or if he's really just that DUMB... but on a weekly basis (usually Thursday or Friday, which leads me to think he's looking for some cheap and easy weekend, er.... companionship) I get a message from him.

Despite our earlier exchange.

Despite the fact that I don't reply.

Following the messages in the blogpost I've linked in the initial sentence above, I have received the following... bewilderingly cheerful messages.

WOW so you are that serious too bad, well good news for you is there are lots and lots a lame ass fucks on here that will say just what you wanna hear to try and get something so good luck in that pool lame assness take care and be awesome my fellow NYer AKA the typical woman and dont worry ill not say hello again sexy lady

If only he had kept his promise! Slightly less than a month later,

Hello again pretty soft fluffy baby girl hope the sun is shinieing on you and all is good, tickle pinch spank and take care sexy lady

Okay, let's red-pen this really quickly:
1) You promised you would not say hello again, and then began with "hello again" - that's just a fail on general logic and follow-through, right there.
2) There should be a period after "girl."
3) ...after which "hope" should be capitalized.
4) The sun would be "shining" without any extraneous e's.
5) The comma after "good" should be a period.
6) ...after which "tickle" should be capitalized.
7) Presuming the series "tickle pinch spank" to be emotive, they should be set apart as such with a change in font or delineating bracketing marks - perhaps putting them in italics or surrounding them *with asterisks* which are two of the most common conventions.
8) The series should be comma-delimited.
9) There should be a period after "lady."

And that doesn't even TOUCH content (and I don't know if I want to - it's already so disturbingly touchy-feely on its own) - the same drek which continues through his next message, 5 days later:

Hello again you sexy soft baby girl, cyber bottom of the butt cheek spanks and hi hi'sss to you my fellow NYer , hope all is good and the smiles many, now say hello again you little wet fluffy baby girl id like that lots, now wheres my hello sexy lady, tickle hug pinch and take care

10 days after that:

Hello hello again you soft little fluffy baby girl now say hello again you mean eeeeeee, Happy TGIF and holiday weekend to you my fellow NYer hope all is good and the smiles big, tickle hug hi hi'sss to you and take care

6 days later:

Hey hey hello hello there my fellow NYer, hows you doing soft little nawty girl hope all is good and the smiles are big yes yes now say hello again its your turn nawty little girl so do it already miss i wanna spank you a pretty shade a pink and kiss you all over, cyber hiinie kiss'es nipple twist and hugs and be awesome

And 6 more days:

Hello hello hello , cyber hinnie spanks and hugs hi hi'sss to you soft sexy nawty little fluffy baby girl , happy Hump Day to you my friend hope the day is going good for you and yours and all is great, now im guessing you know what time it is ??? yes yes its your turn to say hello back little soft girl so do it and see what i say back hehe wink wink , take care little miss wet and wild and be awesome , hard tummy kiss'es clit spanks and butt pinches to you

As I say: bewildering. Amusing. And really, rather depressing that after flouncing the way he did, he not only came back, but with consistently rude, presumptive, overtly forward and poorly written messages like this - without getting any response to any of them. No encouragement. Only silence.

I'm tempted to make this guy an incidental regular on the blog and red-pen for the sake of my blood pressure, and to amuse you for as long as he keeps it up.

#36 - Do You Even Know What A "Petard" is?

I am always a bit leery when I get messaged by someone whose match percentage doesn't reach a particular lower threshold - it almost always ends badly. Not only did this gent not reach the lower threshold, he didn't even hit the 50% mark.

Naturally, I was skeptical.

Mismatched Romeo: hi

The Snob: Hello.

Mismatched Romeo: how are you tonight

The Snob: Fine, thank you.

Mismatched Romeo: cool
Mismatched Romeo: what are you up too

The Snob: Tooling around on the internet, mostly.

Mismatched Romeo: lol i hear ya i am bored myself wish i have you around me lol

The Snob: Why would you wish that? I might be awfully dull. Or violent!
The Snob: Or both. Dull AND violent. That would be a neat trick, actually.

Mismatched Romeo: i think you are pretty sweet , if you ask me lol

The Snob: I can be pretty rude.

Mismatched Romeo: so do i but i have no reason to be all i am lookin is a good time not to be an aswhole lol

The Snob: What are you looking for, exactly?

Mismatched Romeo: as right now more of a friends whit benefits

The Snob: And what prompted you to message me in that respect?

Mismatched Romeo: nothing prompted me just was wonder what are you up too cause in your profile says that you are looking for casual sex
Mismatched Romeo: thats all

The Snob: Oh, that. Yeah, I find my definition of casual sex isn't quite in line with everyone else's.
The Snob: So if that's all that brought you in, then I thank you for your interest and conversation, but I don't want to waste your time.

Mismatched Romeo: ok have nice day lol

The Snob: You too!

Hah! You thought this was going to be a disaster, didn't you? So did I. Turns out, even the Snob can have her own expectations overturned. Keep communication clear, folks, and sometimes people really will pleasantly surprise you!

(I think "aswhole" is my new favorite misspelling ever.)