Friday, October 2, 2009

#26 - When In Doubt, Wig 'Em Out

[11:53:19 am]WiggedOutRomeo:hello

[11:54:36 am]TheSnob:Hello.

[11:55:05 am]WiggedOutRomeo:hey what ya up 2?

[11:56:13 am]TheSnob:working, writing, watching the clock... the usual Friday routine.

[11:58:04 am]WiggedOutRomeo:ur very pretty

[11:58:39 am]TheSnob:Thank you!

[11:59:52 am]WiggedOutRomeo:id love to kiss those lips with the plastic wig on

[12:02:38 pm]TheSnob:That statement puzzled me for a moment, and I was picturing a pair of lips with a wig. Or lips with a plastic moustache that droops around the sides like a wig.

No less entertaining was the fact that in the profile picture alongside this little conversation, it showed his shirt drawn up to reveal a remarkably hairy torso - not just his chest.

1 comment:

  1. Plastic wig? Seriously... is that a modern pick up a line?
