Saturday, October 10, 2009

#27 - Your/you're/ur/You/u?

Hey neighbor.. so whats your yahoo name.. do u have web cam.. are you real female or male posing as male?

I received the above from someone who I had never approached, and who had never approached me before; clearly, he didn't bother to read much of the brief profile I maintain on that site, or he might have noticed... oh, perhaps that I spell words and capitalize things? Naturally, I sent him back the following helpful correction:

One period ends a sentence. Three periods are an ellipsis. Two periods are just indecisive.

"What's" has an apostrophe in it. "yor" is not a word. "Your" is, though. I am not interested in sharing my offsite contact information at this time.

"U" is not a word; "you" is, though. I do have a web cam - and as above, I am not interested in sharing it at this time.

Your final question, misstated though it seems, I find the most intriguing. I presume that you meant to ask if I was a male posing as female. This hearkens to the continuing and sadly consistent question as to whether there are any real women on the internet - even here where honesty about one's gender and orientation are crucial to a viable connection. I wonder if you have just natural suspicion about everyone, or only women online - or even whether you've already had a poor experience that made you, ah, gunshy (if you'll excuse that pun). I assure you that I am a real female, and moreover I have always been one. Have a nice day. -TheSnob


  1. There are no real girls on the internets! Mostly Men Online Role Playing Girls! It's the truth!


    "Hey neighbor" sounds kind of creepy.

  2. I've received the same question a few times throughout the years, and not from internet dating sites but from just online socializing sites in general.

    What? Is it so hard to believe that us women are also capable of using the internet?...Besides the usual online shopping sprees of course. =P
