Thursday, October 1, 2009

#25 - I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

[8:37:33 am]ESLRomeo:hello dear

[8:39:21 am]TheSnob:Good morning.

[8:43:10 am]ESLRomeo:oh there is a morning then very good morning
[8:43:47 am]ESLRomeo:here in india it is 6:00 pm evening

[8:44:26 am]TheSnob:It's 9am morning here.

[8:44:57 am]ESLRomeo:good so deiffrence
[8:45:04 am]ESLRomeo:so now whats going up
[8:45:26 am]ESLRomeo:now iam go to home and u

[8:46:10 am]TheSnob:I am just starting work.

[8:46:32 am]ESLRomeo:what u r doing
[8:46:39 am]ESLRomeo:i mean jobs or

[8:46:51 am]TheSnob:Yes, my job.,

[8:47:00 am]ESLRomeo:in which field
[8:47:08 am]ESLRomeo:which company

[8:47:27 am]TheSnob:Data analysis at (redacted)company.

[8:47:46 am]ESLRomeo:i am a stock broker
[8:49:48 am]ESLRomeo:heloo
[8:50:02 am]ESLRomeo:ok get yr work

[8:50:05 am]TheSnob:Hello.

[8:50:22 am]ESLRomeo:r u married

[8:50:27 am]TheSnob:Yes.

[8:50:37 am]ESLRomeo:how many childrens u have

[8:50:58 am]TheSnob:Two.

[8:51:03 am]ESLRomeo:nice
[8:51:12 am]ESLRomeo:what yr husband doing

[8:51:19 am]TheSnob:He's also working.

[8:52:54 am]ESLRomeo:u both are working thas good

[8:53:12 am]TheSnob:Yes.

[8:53:21 am]ESLRomeo:whats yr dreams to archive

[8:53:34 am]TheSnob:To be a writer.

[8:53:57 am]ESLRomeo:what u write like ?
[8:54:22 am]ESLRomeo:whats yr job timing

[8:54:42 am]TheSnob:I write short fiction.

[8:55:33 am]ESLRomeo:ok thanx
[8:55:45 am]ESLRomeo: r u a bisexual that means
[8:55:54 am]ESLRomeo:looking for sex

[8:56:46 am]TheSnob:No. Bisexual means that I enjoy the romantic company of both men and women.

[8:57:20 am]ESLRomeo:so that i am romantic for u
[8:58:02 am]ESLRomeo:what is romance?
[8:58:11 am]ESLRomeo:pls reply fast

[8:58:24 am]TheSnob:A relationship. Dating, fun, sex, and so forth.
[8:58:39 am]TheSnob:...who the hell do you think you are?

[8:58:56 am]ESLRomeo:no i amnot

[8:59:07 am]TheSnob:I will reply when I am good and ready, and you can wait for it, or you can go bother someone else.

[8:59:28 am]ESLRomeo:angry then sorryyyyyyyyy

[8:59:59 am]TheSnob:You had better be. That was a rude demand to put on someone you don't know.

[9:01:52 am]ESLRomeo:what i demanding u
[9:02:15 am]ESLRomeo:i am just asking when i dont know
[9:02:37 am]ESLRomeo:ok be romantic
[9:03:23 am]ESLRomeo:hello dear soryyyyyyyyy
[9:04:00 am]ESLRomeo:r u there ?

[9:04:53 am]TheSnob:Perhaps it is a miscommunication; I take it that English is not your first language?

[9:05:11 am]ESLRomeo:yes
[9:05:23 am]ESLRomeo:learnt from u

[9:05:58 am]TheSnob:Well, I recomment that you stop shortening words to single letters. It makes you appear younger and less intelligent, to a native English speaker.

[9:07:19 am]ESLRomeo:ok sorry for that

[9:08:36 am]TheSnob:Quite all right. There are intricacies to any language that are hard to pick up if you aren't raised or immersed in the native culture.

[9:09:03 am]ESLRomeo:if i am wormg that i say sorry now iam leaving and go to home if i hurt u by any words then please be sorry by heart

[9:10:19 am]ESLRomeo:my [ersonal id is : (redacted) u can contact me on that
[9:10:38 am]ESLRomeo:my name is (redacted)
[9:11:11 am]ESLRomeo:i think u r a good teacher for me

[9:12:19 am]TheSnob:I like to help people. Say "you are" instead of "u r" for example.

[9:12:57 am]ESLRomeo:thanx

[9:13:08 am]TheSnob:You are welcome.

[9:13:17 am]ESLRomeo:now i leave u can contact me on my personal id

[9:13:30 am]TheSnob:No thank you.

[9:13:46 am]ESLRomeo:ok your choice
[9:14:05 am]ESLRomeo:byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

[9:14:36 am]TheSnob:Farewell.


  1. Ah, the romance of India!

    ... what the hell, why chat with someone you will never meet? Oh, wait! It's BECAUSE you will never meet them, right. It makes me sad that "leet speak" is everywhere in the world, ruining good conversations.

  2. People need to be educated that leet speak isn't the new and evolved English. Using it in serious, well perhaps not in this instance, conversation makes one seem lacking. Not being a primary language is no excuse.

    Then again, I will lose the many funnies that entertain me if people stop. ;)

    Keep up the great work!
