Friday, August 21, 2009

#11.A - You Are Not A Pretty Princess

It was such a NICE first line. Then it became what I suspect is possibly the most creative ever attempt at topping from the bottom in order to get oneself treated as a submissive. Or else he was actually hypnotized by his friends into cross-dressing for 24 hours. I'm not sure which is more amusing.

(Note: Several instances of real name removed prior to publication.)

(9:36:03 am)DysphoricRomeo:Greetings and hello. How are you doing today?

(9:38:49 am)TheSnob:Hello and good morning (assuming it is morning for you as well). I'm doing rather well today, thank you. And yourself?

(9:39:54 am)DysphoricRomeo:Good to hear! And I am doing well, I think. This is already such an interesting experience day.
(9:40:55 am)DysphoricRomeo:Basically take the mixing of hypnosis and cross dressing and you get what I am experiencing today. My friends and I were discussing stereotypes for chicks. The end result was a bet/dare that I couldn't spend a day in their things, in public. So here I am sitting here as a chick and thinking/feeling way too much like one because of the hypnosis.
(9:41:08 am)DysphoricRomeo:Nope, I sound loopy. Haha. Guys should not look down and see tights and a dress. Never mind the other layers.

(9:44:12 am)TheSnob:*chuckle* That's an interesting challenge that you and your friends have set for yourself; how is it going so far? Aside from the obvious unfamiliarity of women's clothing on your person, how is it making you think/feel like a woman?
(9:44:35 am)TheSnob:(I have a friend who enjoys going out in a pretty dress from time to time,, so that's not really so much of an oddity for me.)

(9:46:21 am)DysphoricRomeo:It is odd feeling! Haha. I am wearing make-up, puffy dress, tights, shiny shoes, panties, purse, etc. etc. etc. etc.
(9:46:40 am)DysphoricRomeo:I don't know what is more girly feeling/embarrassing… all the girly clothes layers that chicks are supposed to wear or the funny thoughts that pop in my head from the hypnosis perception inversion.

(9:47:25 am)TheSnob:I must confess unfamiliarity with the concept of "hypnosis perception inversion" - can you explain in brief for me?

(9:53:20 am)DysphoricRomeo:I keep acting super girly. Fixing my dress, crossing my legs and just acting like I belong in a dress like a chick does. I am starting to think they used a silly perception inversion on me.
(9:53:35 am)DysphoricRomeo:Basically, a perception inversion is taking the person hypnotized and making them feel stereotypes they have about someone else actually applies to them. I have an idea.

(9:54:47 am)TheSnob:Adjusting a dress to make sure one is modestly covered is a pretty normal thing; I've found myself doing the same thing even in pants or shorts, tugging to make sure it's not binding, and I know men do the same.
(9:55:10 am)TheSnob:Do you think that perhaps you are instead hyper-aware of it, because of the unfamiliarity of the other-gendered clothing you're wearing?

(9:55:26 am)DysphoricRomeo:well.. and the inversion.. but also cause i'm not used to wear bras and panties and stuff
(9:56:10 am)DysphoricRomeo:I haven't used the trigger by reading in a while. Can I get you to type something for me. I want to see if I can figure out what they did.

(9:56:17 am)TheSnob:Any new type of clothing definitely takes some getting used to, certainly.

(9:56:31 am)DysphoricRomeo:well tights and sikly patnies and stuff.. never mind my pretty dress

(9:56:57 am)TheSnob:My understanding of hypnosis, though is that it's something that cannot be done to a person involuntarily.

(9:57:15 am)DysphoricRomeo:Of course not, they have to allow to be put under, which I did, I just think they tried a slightly different inversion

(9:57:50 am)TheSnob:What is the difference between what they intended and what you suspect they did?

(9:58:04 am)DysphoricRomeo:That is what I am unsure. And why I want you to try something. Do you mind?

(9:58:32 am)TheSnob:I'm leery of promising unknown assistance, but tell me what it is you'd need, and I'll tell you if I'm willing.

(9:58:50 am)DysphoricRomeo:First let me explain. The trigger is the word contessa. Any question that follows it gives me the "urge" to answer it. (Even if it happened when I was hypnotized.) Make sense?

(10:00:08 am)TheSnob:I think so; in theory, suing that trigger, I could ask you to explain to me the hypnosis that was used on you, and you'd get the urge/compulsion to answer.

(10:00:37 am)DysphoricRomeo:Exactly!> But you can type what I tell you so you don't make me feel girlier.

(10:01:21 am)TheSnob:What, specifically, are you asking me to type?

(10:01:23 am)DysphoricRomeo:Okay then, type this: "Contessa, do you still have a PI active in your mind? If so, contessa, what is it?"

(10:01:43 am)TheSnob:Contessa, do you still have a PI active in your mind? If so, contessa, what is it?

(10:03:29 am)DysphoricRomeo:Heather made me feel like a shy little girl who desperately wants to feel like a princess, maam. She thinks the best way to find and take direction from other girls. If you see this you triggered (Redacted). If you want to learn how the full trigger works and give him some "direction," please type "Contessa, explain trigger."

(10:03:59 am)TheSnob:Contessa, explain trigger.

(10:04:19 am)DysphoricRomeo:Ahh. They are setting me up to find people to help them make me feel girly. Hahahah.. Those little bitches. You are not allowedYes maam I will explain the trigger.
(10:11:51 am)DysphoricRomeo:Thanks for helping teach (Redacted) a lesson about feeling like a princess. :) The trigger works two ways. You can make him answer questions. Just type contessa, then the question. Such as "Contessa, what colour are your panties?" The other is a suggestion. You can influence what he is thinking (to a certain degree). Such as "contessa, you like how pretty your dress feels" or "contessa, you are picturing yourself dressed as a ballerina." All of this wears off, so don't worry about breaking him. Thanks and have fun!

(10:12:44 am)TheSnob:Contessa, does (Redacted) actually want to feel like a princess, or is that desire entirely a construction of his "friends"?

(10:13:17 am)DysphoricRomeo:I am (Redacted) maam. And I do'nt want to feel like a princess besides the inversion feeling in my head that makes me react like a little girl.

(10:13:58 am)TheSnob:Fascinating. So it's not like "contessa" is a separate personality answering the questions, it's just a trigger for the compulsion to answer and respond?

(10:14:05 am)DysphoricRomeo:Weird. It was like I was waiting for you to sya something.
(10:14:14 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yes. It is just a trigger not a separate personality

(10:14:59 am)TheSnob:Contessa, is there a trigger to end the hypnosis before it wears off?

(10:15:24 am)DysphoricRomeo:No maam, the trigger is only used for modification of existing suggestions.

(10:16:06 am)TheSnob:Contessa, is there a way to disable the trigger?

(10:16:31 am)DysphoricRomeo:No maam, the trigger cannot be disabled until I finish my bet.

(10:16:45 am)TheSnob:Contessa, what comprises the completion of the bet?

(10:17:24 am)DysphoricRomeo:To spend 24 hours as a girl or becoming so turned on by feeling girly that I orgasm maam
(10:17:26 am)DysphoricRomeo:wtf
(10:17:39 am)DysphoricRomeo:I knew about the first part, but not the latter

(10:18:06 am)TheSnob:Contessa, can I use the trigger to instruct (Redacted) not to respond to triggered instructions that run counter to his own desires/preferences?

(10:18:40 am)DysphoricRomeo:No maam, I am not allowed to do that
(10:19:00 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, you should be able to. It is a woman's job to wear pretty things like this

(10:19:37 am)TheSnob:Contessa, why not? It would seem logical to me that the trigger should urge compliance with that suggestion,s trengthened by the underlying basic desires or aversions the subject already has.

(10:21:35 am)DysphoricRomeo:Because I am allowed to take triggers that allow me to move toward my goal of ending my bet maam

(10:22:55 am)TheSnob:Contessa, are there any other parameters to the bet, knowledge relevant to the bet, or triggers that are latent and/or unknown to (Redacted)?

(10:24:33 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yes maam, I was unaware of the connection of sexual excitement to feeling submissive and feminine and how it could build in me maam. Also, I was unaware that my sexist behaviour was one of the reason the women thought I should learn how it feels

(10:26:27 am)TheSnob:This is fascinating, (Redacted). What do you think of this?

(10:26:41 am)DysphoricRomeo:I shouldn't get turned on by how pretty my things feel!
(10:26:50 am)DysphoricRomeo:It is a woman's job to feel sexy in panties and stuff

(10:27:20 am)TheSnob:May I play devil's advocate to your claims?

(10:27:26 am)DysphoricRomeo:Sure.

(10:28:29 am)TheSnob:Turn-ons aren't inherently defined by things that are socially accepted as "common" or right. There are many things that turn people on that could be considered unusual or even deviant, when laid against a percentage of the population on a bell curve style of distribution.

(10:29:22 am)DysphoricRomeo:But I feel all pretty and feminine and that make syou feel delicate and submissive.

(10:29:50 am)TheSnob:There are people who get turned on by dressing up like stylized animal shapes in latex suits and playing domination submission games involving food. There are people who get turned on by automobiles. Kink and fetish tend to be very hushhush.

(10:30:05 am)DysphoricRomeo:But i'm not a little princess!
(10:30:14 am)DysphoricRomeo:My panties have ballerinas on them and ruffles

(10:30:30 am)TheSnob:That said, there are often common factors in things that are, while not forthrightly accepted as turnons for both genders, nonetheless arousing.
(10:30:52 am)TheSnob:No, you aren't a little princess; but you are a man who is undergoing an interesting, albeit somewhat unethical, experiment at the hands of your friends.

(10:31:04 am)DysphoricRomeo:But I feel so dainty and feminine.
(10:31:15 am)DysphoricRomeo:my pretty tights and my dress and stuff.. This is what a princess gets to wear

(10:32:02 am)TheSnob:You say that you shouldn't feel pretty or sexy in panties, and point out the girl things on them - but setting aside the ballerinas, setting aside that the cloth is women's underwear; the cloth itself feels good. It's a sensual treat, and an unusual one in a world where most men's underwear is a poly-cotton elasticized blend of some kind.

(10:32:40 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yes, that is true, but its so silky and I can feel the lace bits and ruffles on them when I move around.
(10:32:59 am)DysphoricRomeo:You can't put aside that satin or the ballerinas cause those make me feel girlier and prettier and such

(10:33:14 am)TheSnob:Exactly; physical sensation, sensuality.

(10:33:27 am)DysphoricRomeo:My panties are not supposed to feel like that.

(10:33:58 am)TheSnob:You have the option outside of the compulsion that's been hypnotized into you, to consider these things on their own physical merit, set apart from the connotations of sex and gender as ascribed to the construction of the garment.

(10:34:30 am)DysphoricRomeo:What do you mean?

(10:34:34 am)TheSnob:Aren't they? And yet there are many stores, both online and brick-and-mortar, that sell men's boxers and thongs in silk and lace and other exotic fabrics.

(10:34:49 am)DysphoricRomeo:But my panties are pretty, that is why they feel so nice.
(10:34:59 am)DysphoricRomeo:You wear panties like this cause you wish you could be a ballerina or stuff.

(10:36:06 am)TheSnob:Is that your supposition, or the compulsion of the hypnosis, making that assumption?

(10:36:30 am)DysphoricRomeo:my supposition, you put on pantie slike this cause you think ballerinas are pretty
(10:36:41 am)DysphoricRomeo:its the next best thing to getting to wear a tutu

(10:37:49 am)TheSnob:The ballerinas I've known generally don't tend to wear panties with ballerinas on them. In fact, most grown women don't; that's the sort of print more often seen on little girl undergarments.

(10:38:13 am)DysphoricRomeo:yeah, I know when you are a big girl you don't wear panties like mine
(10:38:30 am)DysphoricRomeo:Which is kind of similar to my dress and tights and all the rest too.

(10:39:02 am)TheSnob:So did you friends actually dress you up in little girl clothing?

(10:39:14 am)DysphoricRomeo:What do you mean?

(10:39:36 am)TheSnob:Because they don't generally make panties like that for grown women.

(10:39:55 am)DysphoricRomeo:yeah, these are like little girl panties
(10:40:09 am)DysphoricRomeo:and my tights have hearts on them and I have a pretty dress with puffy sleeves and and stuff

(10:40:26 am)TheSnob:Wow. They really did dress you up like a child's vision of a princess.

(10:40:58 am)DysphoricRomeo:See! I'm like a little princess!
(10:41:16 am)DysphoricRomeo:And thats why my panties are pretty with ballerinas cause its like syaing I wish I could be a ballerina in a tutu and stuff

(10:42:00 am)TheSnob:Contessa, does (Redacted) actually want to feel like a pretty princess, or is that part of the hypnotic compulsion?

(10:43:26 am)DysphoricRomeo:I am (Redacted) maam. The compulsion makes me want to fit into the inversion and I feel an unlying urge to fullfill my bet.
(10:45:44 am)DysphoricRomeo:Of course I don't want to be a pretty princess! Dresses make you feel feminine and delicate hun
(10:45:57 am)DysphoricRomeo:That means I like how myp anties and dress feel or i want to wear a cute loetard or whatever

(10:47:13 am)TheSnob:How do you think this fits in to that hidden parameter of the bet, as far as your women friends thinking that you tend to be sexist?

(10:47:30 am)DysphoricRomeo:because I can feel when i say girly things i get a rush from it
(10:48:39 am)DysphoricRomeo:or you having me justifying my clothes makes me feel girlier and more submissive maam

(10:48:58 am)TheSnob:Do you think that's really helping to get an understanding of sexism, or do you think that perhaps it's actually ultimately going to feed into it?
(10:49:27 am)TheSnob:Because as it stands right now, it seems like all this hypnotic exercise is REALLY doing is utterly sexualizing every component of the female outfit you're wearing.

(10:49:29 am)DysphoricRomeo:I think perhaps I know what it ifeels like more on the inside. NOt that its my job to know how silky panties and bras and stuff feel
(10:49:54 am)DysphoricRomeo:Hmmm. That is true. I wonder if tha is why they picked some so silly for an outfit. Since it is not realistic

(10:50:43 am)TheSnob:I think that it's at least good to have an awareness of how much goes into a woman's outfit. They can be undeniably complicated.

(10:51:07 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, I can see that there are a lot of layers and fabrics and things ot feel pretty and feminine.

(10:51:16 am)TheSnob:It is definitely not a realistic woman's outfit at all. It sounds more like an outfit that a little girl would wear to play dressup.

(10:51:31 am)DysphoricRomeo:Exactly! It is much more of an outfit I would use to play dress up like a princess
(10:52:02 am)DysphoricRomeo:I should be wearing grown up panties not pretty ones liek these

(10:54:21 am)TheSnob:Well, grown up panties dow also tend to be pretty - they just don't tend to be so childish.

(10:54:45 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yes I know but these make me feel pretty and submissive. It doesn't help they are silky and ruffly.
(10:54:52 am)DysphoricRomeo:Cause i notice my panties when I move and stuff

(10:55:30 am)TheSnob:Of course you do. They're unfamiliar in both style and substance.
(10:55:44 am)TheSnob:Although I wonder about the ruffles - did your friends put you in rhumba pants?

(10:55:46 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, they feel so silky and soft and make you feel all dainty and such
(10:55:52 am)DysphoricRomeo:rhumba?
(10:56:06 am)DysphoricRomeo:"put you in" .. it sounds like they had to drses me! :P

(10:56:26 am)TheSnob:*grin* Are the ruffles across the butt? It's a specific type of panty known as rhumba pants, developed as part of the dancing world to wear while doing the rhumba.
(10:56:42 am)TheSnob:Well, did you pick out the clothes yourself, or did your friends pick them out for you?

(10:56:58 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yes. They have ruffles on the bum of my tights, not on panties. They have ruffles aorund the leg.
(10:57:01 am)DysphoricRomeo:They picked out my clothes

(10:57:56 am)TheSnob:They made you wear ruffled panties under tights? That's kind of rude.

(10:58:35 am)DysphoricRomeo:That so I look pretty if i don't have on tights
(10:58:45 am)DysphoricRomeo:but the ruffles on my panties are not a lot

(10:59:10 am)TheSnob:I would hope not. Ruffles on panties would get smushed under tights, and probably itch.

(10:59:10 am)DysphoricRomeo:not like the pretty ones on my tights..
(10:59:33 am)DysphoricRomeo:The ones on my tights are more cause I can feel them under my bum when I sit. It like all padded almost
(10:59:48 am)DysphoricRomeo:kind of hard to explain but almost like i'm sitting on padding

(11:00:21 am)TheSnob:I understand; I've seen tights with the rhumba pants ruffles.
(11:00:29 am)TheSnob:Again, typically only on tights made for very little girls.

(11:00:36 am)DysphoricRomeo:very little girls?

(11:01:14 am)TheSnob:Yeah. Like, toddlers.

(11:01:28 am)DysphoricRomeo:Toddlers? But i[m wearing panties.. toddlers wear diapers
(11:01:47 am)DysphoricRomeo:wtf.. that would feel all padded like the ruffles on my tights

(11:01:59 am)TheSnob:Depends on if they're potty trained. I know two kids who trained at one and a half, so they were still toddlers, but no lnger in diapers.

(11:02:26 am)DysphoricRomeo:well .. i'm not in diapers.. I wear panties

(11:02:42 am)TheSnob:Yes, you've said as much. Several times.

(11:02:53 am)DysphoricRomeo:I know, but i dind't want it to sound like i Needed a diaper
(11:02:58 am)DysphoricRomeo:sorry

(11:05:05 am)TheSnob:Contessa, does the compulsion include trying to steer the conversational partner into sexual discussion or praise for a "pretty princess"?

(11:06:15 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yes maam, I should continue to guide a conversation to make me feel more feminine and girly, so I am guided to fulfilling the compulsion to feel sexually excited and orgasm maam.
(11:06:25 am)DysphoricRomeo:hmmm

(11:06:55 am)TheSnob:Contessa, does that compulsion also include steering (Redacted) into a submissive role as part of trying to make him feel feminine?

(11:07:33 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yes maam, the more feminine i feel the more submissive I will feel which will feed off itself in a circle maam.

(11:08:02 am)TheSnob:contessa, was this specified by the girl or girls who did this hypnosis?

(11:08:44 am)DysphoricRomeo:No maam, not specificially but htis fulfill the overall desire of the second part of my bet maam.

(11:10:53 am)TheSnob:Very interesting. I can see where this butts up against the problem of sexism. It seems that you have the idea that the only way femininity is sexy is in terms of the girly or submissive, to the point of being shy, childlike, or otherwise somehow "lesser".

(11:11:42 am)DysphoricRomeo:They are just blowing it out of proportion. It isn't my job to wear such pretty things. I was supposed to be more dresed like a grown up

(11:12:35 am)TheSnob:Do you necessarily have to wear the same outfit for 24 hours, or can you cange into something that is a more "grown up" woman's outfit?

(11:12:50 am)DysphoricRomeo:I"m not sure. I don't exactly have other outfits.
(11:13:00 am)DysphoricRomeo:I'm not a chick that I have bras and panties to choose from

(11:13:51 am)TheSnob:Fair enough; although you did say that the bet was that you had to wear this stuff in public - I imagine you could go see your friend and demand help in acquiring a less ridiculous outfit.

(11:14:58 am)TheSnob:What happens if you lose this bet?

(11:15:44 am)DysphoricRomeo:They are either at work or in class righ tnow. And i guess it sin't as bad I make it out to be
(11:16:17 am)DysphoricRomeo:I'm not sure. But if I win I can control all of the next hypnosis sessions

(11:16:36 am)TheSnob:Ah... that's a pretty attractive prize, I don't doubt.

(11:17:12 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yes definitely. But now I'm the one in such a pretty dress silky little panties on my hips

(11:18:56 am)TheSnob:Yep. How is it going, dealing with how the hypnosis-induced demeanour of feeling and acting like a little girl as opposed to your usual persona?

(11:19:16 am)DysphoricRomeo:it makes me feel so feminine and delicate.. like people can see how feminine I am
(11:19:26 am)DysphoricRomeo:or are looking at my pretty dress

(11:19:48 am)TheSnob:And how does this compare to how you normally like to feel or be perceived?

(11:19:58 am)DysphoricRomeo:or I move and notice my pretty things and it feels so naughty
(11:20:02 am)DysphoricRomeo:its opposite.. I am not feminine

(11:20:27 am)TheSnob:Is this causing a physical or mental dysphoria for you?

(11:21:35 am)DysphoricRomeo:Kind of. I feel all feminine and squirming.. and stuff

(11:22:16 am)TheSnob:Do you know what Dysphoria is?

(11:22:25 am)DysphoricRomeo:Opposite of euphoria
(11:22:37 am)DysphoricRomeo:Distressed stage or mood, in effect

(11:23:11 am)TheSnob:Sort of. It's a very disconcerting sensation of being unhappy, out of place, out of touch, when the way you are or think you are supposed to by does not match up with the way you actually are.
(11:23:31 am)TheSnob:It's common in people who end up undergoing gender transition, prior to doing so.

(11:23:45 am)DysphoricRomeo:I guess so. I should like how pretty my dress and lingerie feels because its good to feel turned on and my panties feel sexy.

(11:25:51 am)TheSnob:I suppose it's rather a good sign that despite your conception of how you shouldn't feel sexy in women's clothing, you do seem to actually feel pretty okay with it.

(11:26:32 am)DysphoricRomeo:yes.. its hard not to notice how feminine and dainty you feel in a dress and such
(11:26:44 am)DysphoricRomeo:how can you not feel pretty with tights and panties caressing your figure

(11:27:21 am)TheSnob:That's often contingent on the nature of the garment. One feels very different in a ballgown as opposed to a sundress, or a cocktail dress, or a mumuu.

(11:27:39 am)DysphoricRomeo:yes, my dress is like a princess so it makes me feel all pretty and elegent
(11:27:44 am)DysphoricRomeo:I haven't got to wear those other ones

(11:28:43 am)TheSnob:I wouldn't think that you had; but I have, so I can speak from experience - they're all a type of dress, but each one makes you feel different just by what they are, as well as by what they're made of and how well they fit.

(11:29:01 am)DysphoricRomeo:yes they are soft and flowly and expose your legs and make you feel pretty
(11:29:54 am)DysphoricRomeo:it make syou want to twirl i htink cause you can feel your dress on your legs
(11:30:04 am)DysphoricRomeo:but you don't want to expose yourself.. unless you do it on purpose

(11:30:09 am)TheSnob:*nodding* That is often fun.
(11:30:17 am)TheSnob:The twirling, I mean.

(11:30:19 am)DysphoricRomeo:I was twirling before
(11:30:30 am)DysphoricRomeo:but my dress lifts up too high and you see the ruffles on my bum

(11:31:55 am)TheSnob:The point of the ruffles is two-fold; one, to puff the back of the dress slightly, in the way that a petticoat or crinoline would be to a smaller degree; and two, to be visually glimpsed beneath extravagant movement of the dress, such as happens during a rhumba.

(11:32:13 am)DysphoricRomeo:so its okay to show off the ruffles on my tights?
(11:32:18 am)DysphoricRomeo:that is naughty
(11:32:22 am)DysphoricRomeo:whoa..
(11:32:36 am)DysphoricRomeo:that was such a rush feeling when I thought that

(11:36:00 am)TheSnob:It's not naughty inherently; it's dependent on your intention, I suppose.

(11:36:22 am)DysphoricRomeo:if you want to excuse your bottom that is naughty
(11:36:31 am)DysphoricRomeo:its also sexy to look up a dress or a skirt

(11:39:14 am)TheSnob:I think you mean "expose", not "excuse."

(11:41:50 am)DysphoricRomeo:Heheh. Yes, I mean expose.

(11:42:41 am)TheSnob:It's actually decidedly intrusive to look up a dress or skirt; upskirt attempts can get one slammed with invasion of privacy litigation.

(11:44:12 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yes, but it is naughty to see up a skirt and if someone is looking up my dress or stuff.
(11:49:11 am)DysphoricRomeo:Wow I think you are making me feel girlier, my clothes didn't feel sexy before

(11:50:44 am)TheSnob:It is naughty; naughty meaning rude, bad, not the right or allowable thing to do.

(11:50:58 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yes maam. I am bad for thinking that

(11:51:41 am)TheSnob:So where are you anyway - in terms of being "in public", since that was part of the terms of this bet of yours?

(11:51:53 am)DysphoricRomeo:I am in a library

(11:52:47 am)TheSnob:Definitely a better location for fulfilling the first term of bet completion, rather than the second. I recommend you stick to the first.

(11:53:08 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, I shoudln't like the feel of pretty things. They're just nice I guess.

(11:53:32 am)TheSnob:You can like them, certainly. There's nothing wrong with that.

(11:54:16 am)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, but they feel sexy

(11:54:56 am)TheSnob:If that is something you're enjoying and not just because of the compulsion, you may want to note it as something to try once the bet is over and the hypnosis worn off.

(11:55:22 am)DysphoricRomeo:I shouldn't have satin and lace on my bum! Next I need a dress and asked to be spanked

(11:56:08 am)TheSnob:Spanked?

(11:57:06 am)DysphoricRomeo:err.. I"m not sure where that came from.. pretty things make me feel so submissive

(11:57:43 am)TheSnob:Contessa, do the parameters of the hypnosis include anything relating to D/s?

(11:57:57 am)DysphoricRomeo:I am not sure what is D/s maam

(11:58:45 am)TheSnob:Domination/submission.

(11:59:03 am)DysphoricRomeo:I am not submissive if that is what you mean

(11:59:37 am)TheSnob:When you're not under hypnosic, you aren't submissive?

(11:59:42 am)DysphoricRomeo:I dont' think so

(12:03:47 pm)TheSnob:Contessa, now that I have defined D/s, please answer my previous question thereto.

(12:05:11 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yes maam, I am to feel more and more submissive maam which makes me feel more and more turned on maam

(12:10:34 pm)TheSnob:Do you consider submission to be inextricably tied to femininity?

(12:10:51 pm)DysphoricRomeo:yes maam, it makes me feel so feminine to be submissive to you

(12:11:51 pm)TheSnob:This is intriguing; given that, woudl you consider a woman who is not submissive to be not feminine?

(12:17:04 pm)DysphoricRomeo:whoever is more girly/feminine should be submissive

(12:17:48 pm)TheSnob:So since I am a woman, is it not reasonable to assume that regardless of clothing, I am inherently more girly/feminine?

(12:18:25 pm)TheSnob:Ah, it is time to lunch. I'll be back later.

So that's left him with something to chew on in terms of gender identity and power exchange while I go get my food.

1 comment:

  1. -giggles-

    I just imagined a full grown man dressed in those adorable little princess costumes children love to wear and leaving the library to go sit at a Starbucks or something...

    ~Esoteric Myobi~
