Tuesday, August 18, 2009

#3 - IM Interest - I'm Not Interested

Some sites have, in addition to email-type private messaging systems, an embedded chat or IM system - which can lead to the most puzzling of drive-by attempts at conversation. Some, like the following, end up veering hard toward attempts to pick up, and sometimes I successfully and pleasantly steer them to more neutral topics.

(As with other messages, this is not his real name.)

[10:28:43 am]HaplessRomeo:hey sexy

[10:29:06 am]TheSnob:Uh, hi.

[10:29:49 am]HaplessRomeo:how are you babe

[10:30:24 am]TheSnob:Fine, thanks. Yourself?

[10:30:39 am]HaplessRomeo:doing good
[10:31:14 am]HaplessRomeo:whts going on sexy

[10:31:37 am]TheSnob:Not much; working.

[10:32:03 am]HaplessRomeo:oh where

[10:32:25 am]TheSnob:At work.

[10:32:35 am]HaplessRomeo:oh friday

[10:32:52 am]TheSnob:Yay, Friday!

[10:33:31 am]HaplessRomeo:you look really sexy
[10:33:52 am]HaplessRomeo:all your pics are good

[10:35:20 am]TheSnob:Thanks.
[10:35:29 am]TheSnob:So what's up?

[10:35:34 am]HaplessRomeo:so are you really horny all the times

[10:36:01 am]TheSnob:....how is that in any way an appropriate question for a first conversation?

[10:36:19 am]HaplessRomeo:but sorry
[10:36:32 am]HaplessRomeo:My dick is so hard now that I have to ask it
[10:36:36 am]HaplessRomeo:you know that could not be
[10:37:40 am]HaplessRomeo:but my dick is so hard now
[10:37:51 am]HaplessRomeo:that I have to ask it
[10:37:55 am]HaplessRomeo:but anyhow sorry

[10:38:00 am]TheSnob:So is this how you amuse yourself - trolling dating sites looking for women to tweak out?
[10:38:08 am]TheSnob:There have got to be better ways to spend your time.

[10:38:18 am]HaplessRomeo:whts the plan for the weekend

[10:38:39 am]TheSnob:I'm getting a puppy, and taking defensive driving class.

[10:38:58 am]HaplessRomeo:defensive?? whts that

[10:39:36 am]TheSnob:You've never heard of defensive driving?
[10:39:57 am]TheSnob:Is English not your first language? I ask not to be rude, but because I find all this quite surprising otherwise.

[10:41:50 am]HaplessRomeo:I mean why do you have to take it

[10:42:04 am]TheSnob:It'll lower my insurance rates.

[10:42:17 am]HaplessRomeo:yeah thats kool
[10:42:24 am]HaplessRomeo:I should take it too then

[10:43:00 am]TheSnob:You can usually find them in your area if you contact your local DMV.

[10:44:27 am]HaplessRomeo:thats kool
[10:48:00 am]HaplessRomeo:it was nice talking to you
[10:48:05 am]HaplessRomeo:bye


  1. haha He didn't even see it coming.

  2. So, the part of the conversation where he starts talking about his priapism...am I the only one who sees a floundering attempt at a song lyric?
