Tuesday, August 18, 2009

#7 - Lamprey Fingers are the Ultimate Off

Sometimes I wonder... to these folks start conversations with strangers in a bar like this? Does it ever work for them?

[8:59:23 pm]CluelessRomeo:bi and poly? =P

[9:00:04 pm]CluelessRomeo:and cute! haha

[9:02:01 pm]TheSnob:heh, thanks!

[9:02:41 pm]CluelessRomeo:anytime!
[9:02:56 pm]CluelessRomeo:i like the outdoor pic especially
[9:03:03 pm]CluelessRomeo:nice legs!

[9:03:33 pm]TheSnob:I'm rather attached to them myself. :D

[9:04:23 pm]CluelessRomeo:you should share them =)

[9:04:41 pm]TheSnob:If only they were detatchable.

[9:05:18 pm]CluelessRomeo:haha i'll play with the whole package

[9:05:54 pm]TheSnob:I wonder if legs go better by UPS or FedEx.

[9:06:55 pm]CluelessRomeo:haha, legs are even funner with the other body parts though

[9:07:40 pm]TheSnob:I don't know, I mean, haven't you seen cartoons with a pair of disembodied legs running around? Laughs galore!

[9:08:03 pm]CluelessRomeo:hehe well as long as its from the waste down because i like whats between the legs too!

[9:09:11 pm]TheSnob:Nothing is a waste.

[9:09:21 pm]CluelessRomeo:true
[9:09:27 pm]CluelessRomeo:front, back, its all fun
[9:09:46 pm]CluelessRomeo:especially the back =D

[9:10:34 pm]TheSnob:I like my back.
[9:10:39 pm]TheSnob:It's where I keep my spine.

[9:11:12 pm]CluelessRomeo:haha, i meant the area below the belt and between the cheeks
[9:11:16 pm]CluelessRomeo:but spines are nice too

[9:11:52 pm]TheSnob:My cheeks are above my belt! Well, unless I'm standing on my head. Or hanging from the monkeybars.

[9:12:25 pm]CluelessRomeo:haha ok fine, buttholes are fun for everyone =P
[9:12:31 pm]CluelessRomeo:there i said it!
[9:12:43 pm]CluelessRomeo:but monkey bars are fun

[9:13:11 pm]TheSnob:I'd much rather hang from monkey bars than a butthole.

[9:13:37 pm]CluelessRomeo:true buttholes are better for other stuff
[9:13:43 pm]CluelessRomeo:like licking and putting things in

[9:14:05 pm]TheSnob:I have been trying to think of a better place to keep my keys.

[9:14:32 pm]CluelessRomeo:i want pics if you use my idea

[9:14:45 pm]TheSnob:What idea?

[9:15:27 pm]CluelessRomeo:keys in your butt

[9:16:00 pm]TheSnob:...yes. If I put keys in my butt, I shall be certain to send photographic evidence to a stranger on the internet.

[9:16:27 pm]CluelessRomeo:fine, can i come put them in your butt then?

[9:17:03 pm]TheSnob:You have my keys? You ruddy BAHstard!!

[9:17:37 pm]CluelessRomeo:fine you can have them back but only if i can lick your butt first! =D

[9:18:10 pm]TheSnob:You haven't a clue where that thing has been.

[9:18:39 pm]CluelessRomeo:so, bend over and let me taste then

[9:18:41 pm]TheSnob:Come to think of it, I haven't a clue where your mouth has been.
[9:18:51 pm]TheSnob:Also, I feel the need to wash my keys.

[9:19:36 pm]CluelessRomeo:everyone likes having their butt licked

[9:19:55 pm]TheSnob:Categorically untrue.

[9:20:44 pm]CluelessRomeo:you dont?

[9:21:23 pm]TheSnob:That's neither here nor there; I find it unlikely to accurate claim that everyone likes ANY one particular thing.

[9:21:56 pm]CluelessRomeo:well lets find out if you do

[9:24:45 pm]TheSnob:If I were to do so, I think it wouldn't be with you.
[9:25:29 pm]TheSnob:See above, re: stranger, internet.

[9:25:43 pm]CluelessRomeo:sometimes strangers on the net lick butts the best

[9:26:23 pm]TheSnob:They also tend to have the most interesting diseases and psychoses.

[9:26:57 pm]CluelessRomeo:ewww

[9:32:31 pm]TheSnob:Yeah... you've never seen gross until you've seen lamprey fingers.

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