Friday, August 21, 2009

11.B - Put On Your Big Boy Girl Panties

So I came back from lunch to this:

(12:28:02 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, girly is different from being a woman
(12:28:09 pm)DysphoricRomeo:my outfit is super girly.. but i don't have a vagina

(1:43:14 pm)TheSnob:I hadn't assumed that you do.

(1:46:34 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yes I know. I guess I just get all cauight up in things sometimes.
(1:46:45 pm)DysphoricRomeo:It just hit me that I have been using the ladies washroom today haha

(1:47:49 pm)TheSnob:Hasn't that gotten you strange looks?

(1:48:30 pm)DysphoricRomeo:No. It is weird. I am tired of hearing miss too

(1:48:52 pm)TheSnob:People are calling you miss?

(1:49:03 pm)DysphoricRomeo:yes!! several times

(1:49:25 pm)TheSnob:Congratulations. You're passing.

(1:49:41 pm)DysphoricRomeo:I'm passing??
(1:49:46 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Passing what?

(1:51:18 pm)TheSnob:Passing as female. That's something that MtF transgender folk sometimes struggle with.

(1:51:53 pm)DysphoricRomeo:They are just seeing my dress. I don't look like a girl

(1:53:03 pm)TheSnob:They're seeing your dress, and calling you miss - associating the gender trappings of the clothing with the person wearing them, rather than noticing you for who you are.
(1:53:09 pm)TheSnob:It's rather telling, don't you think?

(1:53:39 pm)DysphoricRomeo:What do you mean?
(1:53:52 pm)DysphoricRomeo:I don't look like a girl or amI acting ladylike.

(1:55:13 pm)TheSnob:Exactly. But you're wearing a dress, which is normally a female's garment.
(1:55:35 pm)TheSnob:People aren't even looking at YOU, the person wearing the garment; they're seeing the dress and making an assumption.

(1:55:41 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yes maam. YOu know what the lady said when I came in
(1:55:56 pm)DysphoricRomeo:She said that she tought it was cute when girl's dressed femininely.

(1:56:16 pm)TheSnob:That might be one of the things your friends are trying to get you to notice - how much a woman is judged on and defined by her clothing, instead of who she actually is.

(1:56:26 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Or something like that. That she wished more young girls would embrace being a woman.
(1:56:35 pm)DysphoricRomeo:She was looking right at me!!!

(1:58:52 pm)TheSnob:And yet she wasn't really SEEING you.

(1:59:16 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yes she was. She didn't see anything that said I was a boy.

(2:00:18 pm)TheSnob:Exactly. You're wearing a dress and makeup, but said you don't look like a girl - yet all she saw about you were the things that scream girl.

(2:00:45 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, but that means i do look like a girl.

(2:01:20 pm)TheSnob:You said before that you don't look like a girl.

(2:01:28 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Obviously I do!
(2:01:41 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Otherwise several people woudln't think I was a girl.

(2:02:28 pm)TheSnob:All right then. You look like a girl.

(2:02:53 pm)DysphoricRomeo:But that shouldn't be possible. I am not pretty and feminine.

(2:03:17 pm)TheSnob:There are a lot of girls that aren't pretty and feminine, but wear dresses and makeup anyway.

(2:03:32 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, but that is because it makes you feel pretty and feminine.

(2:04:09 pm)TheSnob:More often because it's an accepted social more.
(2:04:46 pm)TheSnob:Feeling pretty and feminine isn't always brought on by clothing; sometimes if someone is feeling ugly, no amount of makeup and not even the prettiest dress can fix it.

(2:05:20 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, but I feel pretty and feminine.

(2:05:46 pm)TheSnob:I think I've lost track of what the problem is, here.

(2:07:21 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, I guess I should feel pretty and feminine when I am dressed like a proper girl. That is why I feel nice in my dress and people think I am a girl.

(2:09:03 pm)TheSnob:I suppose so. As long as it's comfortable.

(2:09:23 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Well kind of. I guess its good to be feminine, but I shouldn't be dressed like a little girl.
(2:09:30 pm)DysphoricRomeo:I should be in more grown up linerie anda dress.
(2:09:46 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Cause this feels sexy/erotic, but it is very feminine.

(2:10:52 pm)TheSnob:If you venture to do such a thing again, then, I would suggest you acquire more age-appropriate attire.

(2:11:14 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, I should probably dress more my age.
(2:11:21 pm)DysphoricRomeo:But I don't have other dreses or panties and stuff

(2:12:24 pm)TheSnob:Unless you have plans to cross-dress again, I don't see that it should even be much of a worry.

(2:13:03 pm)DysphoricRomeo:What do you mean crossdress? I am just saying I should dress more my age by having more appropriate dresses and lingerie.

(2:13:29 pm)TheSnob:Crossdressing is wearing clothing normally ascribed only to the opposite gender.

(2:13:56 pm)DysphoricRomeo:But i am not crossdressing if I look like i belong in a dress and lignerie.
(2:14:27 pm)DysphoricRomeo:It feels nicer to have satin and lace next to my skin. It turns me on makes me feel sexy, so that is what I belong in I think.

(2:14:27 pm)TheSnob:Yes you are. If you look like you belong in it, then you're passing, but you haven't changed your physical sex.

(2:14:46 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yes I know that. I still have a penis in my panties.
(2:15:18 pm)DysphoricRomeo:But apparently I am suited to be dressed femininely. It is like the more I accept it, the more I feel sexy about it.

(2:16:23 pm)TheSnob:Fantastic. Congratulations on coming to terms with this new facet of your gender identity.

(2:16:43 pm)DysphoricRomeo:What do you mean? The more and more I feel feminine the more and more excited i get.
(2:16:57 pm)DysphoricRomeo:It is like my clothes feel sexier when I say it even.

(2:17:13 pm)TheSnob:That's nice.

(2:17:30 pm)DysphoricRomeo:So maybe that is my body saying that I belong in pretty things like a princess..

(2:17:41 pm)TheSnob:Perhaps it is.

(2:18:04 pm)DysphoricRomeo:And when I am a big girl, I would wear things that are sexier I think.

(2:19:57 pm)TheSnob:Good plan.

(2:20:11 pm)DysphoricRomeo:My head feels mixed up I think maam

(2:22:06 pm)TheSnob:Good plan.

(2:22:26 pm)DysphoricRomeo:What do you mean?

(2:23:18 pm)TheSnob:To wear appropriate things as a grownup.

(2:23:37 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Yeah, when I am grown up I will do that.
(2:23:46 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Until then I can wear princess things cause its cute and pretty
(2:23:54 pm)DysphoricRomeo:Hmmm
(2:24:02 pm)DysphoricRomeo:I think I am reacting funny to my clothes

(2:25:12 pm)TheSnob:There's definitely something funny going on.
(2:25:29 pm)TheSnob:When is the 24-hour period up?

....twenty minutes of utter silence later, I refreshed the page, and discovered that his account is now listed as User Deleted. Do I get to take credit for that, or is it just coincidence?


  1. Hi :)
    What a strange conversation.
    Thanks for giving the link to your site Bliss.
    Love & Hugs,

  2. Hi! Yes, it was all very strange indeed. I seem to attract these people like flies to-

    ....that wasn't going to be a very nice simile, particularly unflattering to me. I think I shall skip it.

  3. Wow. I just don't know what to say besides that.

  4. I honestly can't decipher what they're complaining about. They seem to be whining just for the sake of it? I guess I've done that myself on occasion if my mood were bad enough.
