Tuesday, August 18, 2009

#5 - The Tank Is Lonely...

1. i am a 2.1 26] 2.1.5 2.2 male from 2.3(redacted) and 3. i 4. luv what 5. i see so if 6. u would like to have some fun some time if 7. 8. u know what 9. i mean then let me know 10. u can also 11. im me at 12. 12.5 13. tanklikesto********at yahoo 14.

1. Start a sentence with a capital - and whether it leads a sentence or not, you should capitalize 'I'.
2.1 This site already tells me your age as a matter of course.
2.1.5 A 26 WHAT? I presumed of course that you meant age. Although if you skip down to point 13, I might also be led to believe that it's your size.
2.2 Ditto for your gender.
2.3 That goes triple for your location.
3. ...you should capitalize 'I'.
4. It's spelled "love."
5. ......you should capitalize 'I'.
6. 'You' is not a very long word, and this site does not charge you by the letter - please write it out in its entirety.
7. ...please spell out "you".
8. Imagine, for a moment, that I do know what u you mean. I can read minds through the internet. What else might I be able to do?
10. ......please for the love of stars and little fishes spell out "you"!
11. An acronym for "Instant Messenger," IM should be capitalized.
12. You, good sir, simply reek of class.
12.5. Seriously, though, was that the BEST representation of yourself that you could think of for an IM name?
13. Ohhhhh, oh. Looking at the thumbnail of your pic, I can see why you try to call yourself Tank. It sounds tougher, tighter, more toned and dangerous than "fleshyblobatopwhiteteeshirtedblob."
14. End your sentence. Preferably, end your sentence with a period, but really any punctuation at all would have been nice.

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